Wednesday, September 5, 2007

26 Aug 2007 - Yen Nee's wedding photoshoot @ Kallang River.

dear diary.

i haven't been good in keeping up with my entries. before i grow old and forget, here's what happened -

A neat-looking dragonboat was adorned with a golden drum (plus XXL “喜喜” stickers) and a bunch of people who dared the grey skies above to not rain. It worked - the rain never came. Instead, the sun was out in its glory, illuminating the beaming faces and rippling muscles of the (c)hunks of us who were out in full force.

After putting the boat in the water, the guys decided to congregate at the back of the boat - much to the disgust of Pierre ("Why can't a lady sit beside me for a change?!") - while the girls occupied the front. Papillon started rowing towards the wall to meet Yen Nee and hubby. When nearing, everyone looked high and low for the bride (eh?? where ah?). THEN we noticed something in white striding purposefully towards us, with a spiffy groom in tow. Ah - it can only be... Yen Nee!

Bestowed with brand-new white nike caps compliments of the lovely couple, Papillon gamely circled a few rounds in order for our photographer to capture the perfect shot(s). To that end, "mountains" were also shifted, shirts were also stripped off and kawaii-act-cuteness was all the rage.

Our antics were not un-noticed by some other boats who cheered when they saw us. The icing on the cake however, came from a surprising source - an "uncle" on the bridge who shot us (with our permission of course) turned out to be a "STOMPer" and promptly posted a couple of our photos on the Singapore Straits Times website... Papillons have become accidental celebrities.

kawaii-act-cuteness overdose

picture purrrfect!

After this leg of the shoot, we bade farewell to the happy couple who moved on to other locations while Papillon rowed back to shore. The boat was returned with some difficulty after executing a highly tricky 100-point turn in order to stuff the boat back into the deepest corner of the dragonboatpark.

The eventful morning was ended with a trip to good ole Kallang Airport food centre where Papillon finally ID-ed the correct fish soup stall with some help from Samuel. (HAHAHA you mean y'all eat so many months already still don't know which is the original best-est one meh?? *!unbelievable!*)

(And, as we learnt on Monday, Papillon became the toast of the (dragonboat) town as news spread of our "newspaper" appearance ;)

=Chief Editor signing off=

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