Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Training test

Hi All, would like u guys to test ur individual fitness by doing the 4 stations below:

1) Chin-up ( max reps), Ladies inclined chin-ups.
2) Bench press ( 1rep max ) Ideally should aim to lift 1.5X bodyweight for mens, ladies 0.5-0.8X is very gd alr. ie( 70kg men should lift 1.5X 70= 105kg ) so work hard to achieve this.
3) Deadlift 2X bodyweight ie( 2X70kg=140kg ) mens, Ladies (1.5Xbodyweight)
4) Running 2km test as fast as possible mens >0845min, ladies > 10mins

The above are ideal targets set out, but try to perform to the best of ability 1st and try and track your progress periodically ie every 6 weeks or so. Remember the closer you are to your ideal target the closer success will be. Train hard n have great fun ya! Jon do note down eveybody records for easy reference in future testings.


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