Sunday, March 29, 2009

28 March 2009 - WIP.

WIP = Work In Progress.

An apt description of our current Papillon stroke indeed.
Training was like an orchestra learning a new piece, without its conductor - not very impressive, little bit chaotic.

Coordination was lacking in the first half, but after Dawn abandoned the slight-overkill deliberate pause at the back, the boat seemed to glide along better. Which made us a little confused about how/where we should set up the stroke from...

Nevertheless, Papillons can still feel good about the exhausting session - we really pulled and jerked hard for long stretches at a time!
(Vincent must be asking himself why oh why did he subject himself to this punishing session by gatecrashing Papillon training??)

It was also the first time we won a negotiation with our coxswain.
Cameo Coxswain: "Come, let's row to the bridge." (Sheares Bridge, obviously.)
Anonymous Papillon (cannot be named, to protect his identity): "Which one? That one?" (Pointing to the Kallang flyover.)
Cameo Coxswain (overwhelmed by the quickwitted response): "Har?? - Okay la."

After a few uninterrupted long rows, trying to get our rhythm together, practising the pull-through jerk for that extra "nitrous boost" - we truly deserved an early return to the pontoon. Which we did! To wash up and get ready for dear Desmond's wedding to Jennifer.

喜喜 Congratulations to Desmond and Jennifer on their blissful marriage! 喜喜

Paps - I hope you didn't feel that this Saturday's training was 'wasted' because Patrick wasn't around and we got somewhat lost trying to figure out the new stroke. Sometimes we need to take a step back, to evaluate matters - I'm sure we now have some thoughts to feedback to Patrick the next training, and we can progress from there.
(Plus, of course, a major takeaway was the aches... *muscles super snnng arh!!* Who's not aching?)

On another point:
Dear Lin, hope your tummy is feeling much better now!
Get well soon :)

(Note: Your training discount for coordinating our competition outfit has been used up. Hehe.)

= Chief Editor D.L. signing off =

1 comment:

jonathan said...

haha. that's a good one.. Now Lin has no more excuse for trainin discount.